blog illustration Supercompensation: How To Avoid Overtraining
May 25, 2022

Supercompensation: How To Avoid Overtraining

There are endless conversations these days about over-training. The term has become so popular that some athletes believe that if they feel tired or exhausted during a regular workout, they must be overtraining. The fact is, though, that if you train for an event, especially one that is competitive or involves multiple sports, fatigue will definitely result from your physical exertion. In fact, the occasional fatigue in the training cycle is a sign that your system is on track.

Other than this, this purposeful training is all about finding the right type and the right amount of physical stress, followed by the right amount of rest. It is during this period of relaxation that you recover, you strengthen and the fitness adaptation occurs. Proper training has a growing effect, and if done right, it will leave you tired at times. So, there is nothing to worry about.

Inadequate Recovery Time Leads To Fatigue and Decreased Basic Performance Levels

The most common sign of overtraining is fatigue. If you start your next workout immediately after a strenuous training session, your body may fail to compensate for it due to excessive training. Athletes may also experience mood swings, irritability, changes in sleep patterns, depression, or loss of competitiveness and enthusiasm for their sport. Others will report decreased appetite and weight loss. Physical symptoms include persistent muscle pain, increased frequency of bacterial infections, increased incidence of injuries, and irregular heartbeat.

Signs Of Overtraining

Many research about fitness and well-being affirmed that signs of overtraining may include the following symptoms:

  • Altered sleeping patterns
  • Moodiness
  • Excessive muscle soreness
  • Mental focus decreases & loss of motivation
  • Decline in appetite
  • Frequent injury or illness
  • Physical weakness (Fatigue)
  • Unusual heart rate

Ways To Avoid Overtraining

We can avoid over-training by adapting the following tips:

  • Create a sound training program that works for you
  • Follow your plan and not your training or exercise partners
  • Set goals for yourself
  • Keep a training record
  • Eat right
  • Sleep well
  • Deal with unfinished pressure (work, family, etc.)
  • Stretch, ice, massage
  • Get a physical and blood test every six months
  • Rest. Take a break. Take a day off each week, or a few if necessary

The Science Behind Supercompensation

To avoid excessive training athletes opt for supercompensation. Supercompensation is found everywhere in training. We know it as the result of hard training, but scientifically it is called supercompensation.

Our fitness is never idle but always active because we are either in a state of supercompensation or detraining. Planning your training in a way that benefits the most compensating result is important if you want to take advantage of your hard work. The right level of performance to recover opens a new training window that will further maintain your fitness.

Keep in mind that the activity aimed at compensating for cycling is particularly aerobic. While with anaerobic activity, the replenishment of creatine phosphate and glycogen stores occurs more rapidly. However, part of aerobic activity is a very deep regeneration process. This rejuvenation occurs at different muscle and metabolic levels, leading to lesser aerobic changes that are essential for athletic endurance, increased mitochondrial, increased capillarization, and increased aerobic enzymatic activity, etc. So. we can say that this adaptation is the essence of physical training and enables us to improve our fitness.


In conclusion, the effects of supercompensation are crucial for development, but they need to be done carefully. If you follow a well-planned training program, there is no need to worry. If you do not, however, always look for signs of overdoing it. Exceeding the limits of the super-compensation method can result in unnecessary exaggeration, which can lead to excessive training. Having an understanding of how the body develops and progresses will allow you to see better if your training is aligned with these methods or not.

Before You Go!

You should have a good idea of super compensation and the impacts of overtraining by now, so be ready and trained to go and track your workouts effectively. Go check the Capetime workout timer app. Captime includes templates for common training formats including HIIT, AMRAP, TABATA, EMOM, and more.

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